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Blogs from Larking Gowen

New OTS report suggests improvements to make Capital Gains Tax work better

Friday, 28 May 2021

The November 2021 report from the Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) on Capital Gains Tax (CGT) looks at areas where the tax could be made simpler, fairer and easier to understand and where specific anomalies could be removed.

All you need to know about Independent Business Reviews

Thursday, 27 May 2021

As Primary Care Support England (PCSE) is launching a new online Payments and Pension Service from 1 June 2021, our medical accountants have been reviewing the changes and are getting ready to access their clients’ accounts in a different way. Read more about how the launch will impact GP practices.

Farmers' retirement lump sum in England

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

In May 2021, the Government published a consultation document on the design of execution of the lump sum exit scheme, which would enable eligible retirees from the farming industry to take some of their remaining subsidy payments by way of a single lump sum in 2022. 

Have Pre-Pack Admins just been outlawed?

Monday, 24 May 2021

On the 30th April 2021, new regulations were introduced by the Insolvency Service relating to the Pre-Pack Administration sales to connected parties. Read more about the details of these regulations here. 

Quality and Outcomes Framework monies for GP practices – what’s protected?

Monday, 17 May 2021

Many GP practices are reporting confusion about 20/21 Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) monies, as their QOF achievement reports show lower earnings than they were expecting. Medical expert, Emma Wood, explains why this is the case.

Charity fundraising: Loan waivers and refunds can now be Gift Aided

Monday, 17 May 2021

HMRC has confirmed that Gift Aid can be claimed on Waived Refunds and Loan Repayments, and that this can be applied retrospectively.

Business Sale Readiness Factor #3: Sale process preparation

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

If you're selling a business, what can you do to make sure the sale process is as smooth as possible? Based on many years' experience of advising both business sellers and acquirers, James Lay sets out some distinguishing points of businesses that tend to glide through a business sale process, compared with those that don’t.

Multi-factor authentication to become mandatory for users of accounting software

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

If you use accounting software such as Xero, did you know that multi-factor authentication (MFA) will soon be mandatory? Our digital solutions expert, Ryan, explains what MFA is and how easy it is to set up.

Is this company vehicle a car or a van?

Thursday, 22 April 2021

Whilst vans enjoy favourable benefit in kind treatment, what you think is a van may be a car for tax purposes. Tessa discusses HMRC guidance for double cab pick-ups and combi vans.

Business Sale Readiness Factor #5: Availability of financial information

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

In his latest blog in the Business Sale Readiness series, James sets out three differentiators of businesses that maximise their profits from those that don’t.

HMRC VAT written enquiries and clearances

Monday, 22 March 2021

There was an interesting Upper Tier appeal published recently where the taxpayer was found to have a reasonable excuse against a VAT penalty issued by HMRC. The Tribunal found that after writing to HMRC, the response the taxpayer received was 'not as comprehensive in its answers as it might have been.'

HMRC Trusts Register – new rules

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

The Trusts Register (TRS) was introduced in 2017 and requires trustees who pay Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax, Stamp Duty Land Tax and Stamp Duty Reserve Tax to register their trust online. For those trustees without tax liabilities, no registration has previously been required. However, under the new rules, some trusts will need to register.


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