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Environmental, Social and Governance facilitated advisory

At Larking Gowen, we are here to help your business on this ESG journey, whether you're yet to start or are part-way through designing your strategy. Our facilitated advisory service will help your business to focus on a five-step plan that will set the groundwork for your ESG strategy.

A bit about Environmental, Social and Governance

Implementing an ESG strategy provides a structured method for business expansion with numerous benefits. It supports sustained growth by adapting to dynamic market conditions and ensuring longevity through thoughtful strategic planning.

What is ESG?

ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance factors considered by businesses and investors to assess a business' ethical and sustainable practices. Environmental criteria evaluate a business' impact on nature, Social criteria scrutinise its relationships with stakeholders, and Governance assesses internal structure, controls and ethical leadership. Embedding ESG considerations into decision-making fosters responsible business practices, mitigates risks, attracts socially conscious investors and contributes to the long-term sustainability and competitiveness of a business. It will help to futureproof businesses in a world of constant change and in the growth of the conscious economy to be profitable whilst making a positive impact in the wider ecosystem of a local area, through to an impact on a global scale.



What is an ESG strategy?

An ESG strategy is a framework that businesses and investors adopt to integrate non-financial factors into their decision-making processes and their overall corporate strategy. It considers how each decision can have a wider impact than just an improvement in bottom line profitability, and becomes an important benchmark to make sure any organisation is acting in a responsible manner in line with its values and in the best interest of shareholders, stakeholders and the surrounding ecosystem. The three components of ESG encompass various criteria that are used to evaluate and measure the sustainability and ethical impact of an organisation.

Why does your business need an ESG strategy?

By implementing an ESG strategy, your business will be more attractive to external investors, external financial institutions that you may wish to work with, current and new employees and the next generation of the workforce, who are more conscious of the wider ecosystem locally and further afield. An ESG strategy is key to the future long-term growth of your business and will assist in achieving financial, efficiency and profitability goals, and can set your business apart from the competition.

Incorporating ESG considerations into a business' strategy is not only a matter of ethical responsibility but also a strategic imperative for sustained success in an evolving and socially conscious business landscape. It aligns the organisation with the expectations of various stakeholders, contributes to resilience and positions the business for long-term growth and competitiveness.

Five key benefits:

How do you determine what's right for your organisation

The right ESG strategy will differ for different organisations, subject to the industry and which trade the business operates. There's no "one size fits all" approach for ESG. It's therefore necessary to engage with ESG to assess, rethink and outline where change and decision-making can make a real impact for the wider ecosystem that your business works in and make a positive change. We are here to help you on this journey.


Where are the common pitfalls and key challenges for business?

"For any business adopting ESG into its strategy, there are common pitfalls and challenges that any board or management team might encounter during an implementation phase. The ability to recognise and address challenges is crucial for successul integration of a business' ESG principles into daily business practices.

Risks and pitfalls to watch out for:

Data quality and availability

Obtaining reliable and standardised data can be challenging, making assessment and reporting difficult, with inconsistent or insufficient data for reporting purposes.

Lack of reporting frameworks and processes

The absence of uniform reporting complicates comparisons between businesses and industries, making it challenging for investors and stakeholders to evaluate ESG performance consistently.

Short-term focus and stakeholder engagement

The pressure for returns in investment can hinder a genuine commitment to ESG practices, leading to insufficient focus on long-term goals. Failure to communicate in the right manner with stakeholders can further hinder the effectiveness of a strategy.


A business may face criticism for ""greenwashing,"" where they portray a more environmentally and socially responsible image than its actual practices warrant. If sufficient data isn't available to evidence this, it can cause damage to reputation and market competitiveness.

Resources for implementation

Implementing comprehensive ESG strategies is likely to require investment in technology, talent and infrastructure, posing challenges for businesses with limited resources.

John Atkins

John Atkins


Laurie Hill

Laurie Hill



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