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Business audience get lesson on how to be the best possible version of themselves

How to be the best version of ourselves, was one of the key messages for guests at the Larking Gowen Spring Business Breakfast, at Milsoms Kesgrave Hall, near Ipswich this week.

The keynote speaker at the sold-out event was Kev House, a positive change specialist who inspired the audience with his personal experiences of overcoming adversity and transforming his life.

Kev described how he had been working seven days a week, eating and drinking too much, and suffering from type 1 diabetes. He was given an ultimatum by his doctor to change or face the consequences.

"I tried to change lots of times and I got into a narrative saying I wasn't very good at change. I made the mistake of trying to change like everybody else did. I didn't properly appreciate I was an individual human being and thought what works for someone else will work for me. We're in a generic age where we think one size fits all, which it doesn't," he said.

"I decided to take personal responsibility and started learning again. Desperation for a lot of people drives change. I had got to the bottom and thought I'd had enough, I'm done. Then I thought, I have to do it differently this time. I don't know what the answer is, I've got no idea, I'm just going to be curious."

He started reading about personal transformation and then signed up for the New York Marathon, which gave him a physical and mental goal to work towards. By then his transformation was underway.

"The books I was reading taught me about emotional control which is a valuable thing to learn. We all have a voice in our head telling us to react to situations in certain ways. Emotional clarity and calmness is the biggest gift, and not being reactionary all the time. You have to sit back with that space between an event and your response, give yourself time to take stock. It's all about emotional awareness," he said.

Kev's approach to helping others find the best version of themselves is through personal awareness and taking time to think about yourself and how you do things. One example given was the 4-minute rule, where a person focuses on being the very best version of themselves, either in a family or business setting, for the first four minutes of an interaction with others.

Larking Gowen Partner Ian Fitch said: "It was a fascinating presentation from Kev House which drew a very positive response from our guests and gave us all something to think about and take home."

If you are interested in attending a Business Breakfast, please sign up here to receive information about what's going on at Larking Gowen. Or you can visit our events page here.



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